Buddh Pranali | Manava Manane Tu Shuddh Vhave | Raatra Sarali Jhop Sampawa | Chincha Narine Tathagtavar | Yashodhara Tathagatachya Marge | Koti Koti Pranam | Vani Lumbini Prasut Jhali | Kalingachi Hota Hani

Koti Koti Pranam (कोटी कोटी प्रणाम)

Koti Koti Pranam (कोटी कोटी प्रणाम) A Marathi bheemgeet sung by Anand Shinde lyrics by you provided to celebrate the divinity and teachings of Lord Buddha. The song portrays Lord Buddha as a messenger of peace and enlightenment, offering countless salutations to him.

The song describes how worldly pursuits and material riches are insignificant compared to the profound wisdom and serenity embodied by Lord Buddha. It criticizes the futile pursuit of wealth and instead highlights the priceless value of spiritual attainment and inner peace.

The lyrics further emphasize the beauty and significance of Lord Buddha's teachings, which are inscribed in the form of precious gems on the pillars of humanity. The song acknowledges the transformational power of Lord Buddha's teachings, which have the ability to guide individuals toward compassion, wisdom, and self-realization.

The song also recognizes Lord Buddha's role as a peacemaker, teaching the path of non-violence and fostering harmony among all beings. It praises his embodiment of love, kindness, and his teachings on non-violence, which have the potential to bring about positive change in the world.

Overall, this Marathi song reveres Lord Buddha as a divine figure and extols his teachings as a source of ultimate wisdom, peace, and compassion. It serves as a reminder to embrace his teachings and strive for spiritual growth and enlightenment in order to attain true happiness and peace within oneself and the world.

Lyrics: Koti Koti Pranam (कोटी कोटी प्रणाम)

मानवतेच्या मंदिरा सम
तुझेना मंगल धाम
तथागत हे शांतिदूता तुज कोटी कोटी प्रणाम ।। धृ ।।

ह्रीरे माणिक मोती पाचू गाज्या गिऱ्या अवजड
तुच्छ लेखिले रंग महाला गणित तुझे अवघड
ठरविली तू ऐश्वर्याची
ठरविली तू ऐश्वर्याची किंमत कावडी दाम
तथागत हे शांतिदूता तुज कोटी कोटी प्रणाम ।। १ ।।

शिलालेख ते लिहिले नामी सुवर्ण अक्षरांनी
अजंठा परी नगरो नागरी तुझ्या कोरील्या लेणी
मायभूमीच्या दरी कपारी केले सुंदर काम
तथागत हे शांतिदूता तुज कोटी कोटी प्रणाम ।। २ ।।

बीज पेरुनी बंधुत्वाचे मळे तूच पिकविले
मानवतेचे धडे चांगले जगास या शिकविले
शमला आहे अहिंसेने
शमला आहे अहिंसेने जगदिश संग्राम
तथागत हे शांतिदूता तुज कोटी कोटी प्रणाम ।। ३ ।।
मानवतेच्या मंदिरा सम
तुझेना मंगल धाम
तथागत हे शांतिदूता तुज कोटी कोटी प्रणाम.

Lyrics By: Jagdish Jadhav


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