Genesis of Awakening - जीवन वो नहीं है

Genesis of Awakening (जीवन वो नहीं है)

"Genesis of Awakening" is a heartfelt and uplifting Hindi song composed, written, and sung by Pawa. The song beautifully captures the essence of leading a righteous and purposeful life through its profound lyrics and soulful melody.

The song begins with an invocation to follow the path of good Dhamma, avoid misconduct, and embrace the role of a Dharmachari, a practitioner of righteous living. It emphasizes that by following these principles, one can experience happiness in both the present world and the hereafter.

The chorus of the song echoes a profound message about life. It highlights that true life is not merely what one receives but what one creates. It inspires listeners to realize their power in shaping their own destinies and encourages them to make the most of their lives.

Drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Buddha, the song also incorporates verses that emphasize the significance of Dhamma as the ultimate refuge. It expresses the aspiration to be blessed with the wisdom and guidance of Dhamma, recognizing it as the supreme path to liberation and peace.

The subsequent verses of the song encourage adopting the middle way, letting go of anger and greed, staying away from hatred, and walking on the path of truth. These verses serve as reminders of the values that lead to a balanced and virtuous life.

"Genesis of Awakening" also emphasizes the importance of cultivating good deeds and finding joy in simple pleasures. It encourages learning the art of living happily and consistently wearing a smile on one's face.

Overall, the song carries a profound spiritual message of introspection, self-transformation, and the pursuit of a meaningful existence. With its captivating melody, poetic lyrics, and spiritual undertones, "Genesis of Awakening" is a musical journey that inspires listeners to embrace righteousness, awaken their true selves, and create a life filled with purpose and joy.

Lyrics: Genesis of Awakening (जीवन वो नहीं है)

धम्मं चरे सुचरितं, न तं दुच्चरितं चरे
धम्मचारी सुखं सेति, अस्मिं लोके परम्हि च.
जीवन वो नही है
जो तूझे मिला है
जीवन वही है
जो तू बनाने चला है || धृ ||

नत्थि मे सरणं अञ्ञं धम्मो मे सरणं वरं।
एतेन सच्चवज्जेन होतु मे जयमङ्गलं।
मध्यम मार्ग ही अपनाना है
क्रोध लोभ मन से मिटाना है
द्वेष-भाव से दूर रहना है
सत्य के पथ पे ही चलना है
सत्कर्मोंकी सिर्फ पुंजी बनाकर
यहा सीखले तू सदा मुस्कुराकर
सुख से जीने की जो कला है…
जीवन वो नही है
जो तूझे मुली है
जीवन वही है
जो तू बनाने चला है || १ ||

Lyrics By: Pawa


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